- March 2020, Congratulations! Our paper is accepted by Computer Networks.
- January 2020, Congratulations! Our paper is accepted by IEEE JSAC.
- December 2019, Congratulations! Our paper is accepted by IEEE INFOCOM.
- July 2019, Congratulations! Our paper is accepted by IEEE TPDS.
- April 2019, Congratulations! Our paper is accepted by IEEE/ACM IWQoS.
- April 2019, Congratulations! Our paper is accepted by IEEE ICDCS.
- January 2019, Congratulations! Our paper is accepted by IEEE Network.
- January 2019, Congratulations! Our paper is accepted by IEEE JSAC.
- November 2018, Congratulations! Our paper is accepted by IEEE INFOCOM.
- May 2018, Congratulations! Our paper is accepted by ACM SIGCOMM.
- April 2018, Congratulations! Our two papers are accepted by IEEE/ACM IWQoS.
- December 2017, the Mind Mapping of (算法统治世界 智能经济的隐形秩序) can be seen and downloaded. Link is here.
- Congratulations! A new book (算法统治世界 智能经济的隐形秩序) is published.
- October 2017, Congratulations! Our paper is accepted by IEEE Network (IF:7.230).
- October 2017, Congratulations! Our paper is accepted by ACM UbiComp, 2018.
- Our three papers are accepted by Chinese Journal of Computers.
- September 2017, Congratulations! Our paper is accepted by IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking(ToN).
- June 2017, Congratulations! Our paper is accepted by Computer Networks.
- 2017年清华大学首次开设区块链研究生课程《赛博智能经济与区块链》,将于2017-2018秋季学期正式开课。
- April 2017, Congratulations! Our paper is accepted by IEEE IWQoS, 2017.
- March 2017, Congratulations! Our two papers are accepted by IEEE ICDCS, 2017.
- February 2017, Congratulations! Our paper is accepted by IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking(ToN).
- 《赛博新经济–“互联网+”的新经济时代》清华出版社年度重点图书全线上市
- Our paper is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (TSC).
- 第五届中国互联网学术年会(CCF ICOC 2016):http://ants.xjtu.edu.cn/ICOC/
- December 2015, our work wins the Best Paper Award in IEEE GLOBECOM, 15.
- October 2015, our two papers are accepted by IEEE IPCCC, 15.
- June 2015, our paper is accepted by ACM GLOBECOM, 2015.
- May 2015, our paper is accepted by ICPP 2015.
- April 2015, our two papers are accepted by IEEE IWQoS 2015.
- November 2014, our paper is accepted by IEEE INFOCOM 2015.
- November 2014, welcome the researcher from Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
- October 2014, our two papers are accepted by IEEE IPCCC, 2014.
- July 2014, our paper is accepted by IEEE ICNP, 2014.
- April 2014, our paper is accepted by IEEE IWQoS, 2014.